About | Scenic City Opera


Scenic City Opera is a brand new performing arts organization based in Chattanooga, Tennessee. SCO specializes in performing lesser-known operatic works from the 18th through 20th centuries. The SCO hopes to be the tri-state area’s premier, semi-professional opera company.

We are currently recruiting for our first Board of Directors who will help guide the company to success. Interested in joining us? Please send a message.

Laura Sage

Founder & Executive/Artistic Director

laura-sageLaura has been involved in music since the day she was born, having parents who are both professional musicians, and other family members as well. Her father is a concert pianist, conductor and professor of music, her mom sings, her aunts are opera singers, her brother is a violist & conductor, her sister-in-law a clarinetist, her son a saxophonist, and her daughter a percussionist. For her part, Laura started out as a violinist, pursuing her degree in performance. During college she switched to voice, though she still often plays for local productions, and with various orchestras including the Chattanooga Symphony. Ms. Sage was also the Founder/Artistic Director of Lyric Opera of Los Angeles (LOLA), which eventually met it’s demise during the recession. LOLA enjoyed great successes during it’s time with many West Coast premiers including Cendrillon by Pauline Viardot, Goyescas by Granados, Manon Lescaut by D.F.E. Auber, Un Giorno di Regno by Verdi, Die Feen by Wagner, and numerous others. Laura continues to perform, but finds her greatest professional joy in producing and running the administrative side of things.

Laura is a professional website developer & designer and graphic designer, working from home. She has 2 teenage children back in Los Angeles that she is immensely proud of and who she misses very very much, and 6 furry children here in Chattanooga (4 cats and 2 dogs) who keep her relatively sane.

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