Orchestra - Brass | Scenic City Opera

Orchestra – Brass


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No full opera production is complete without at least a small orchestra. Fortunately, Mozart operas lend themselves nicely to smaller chamber groups. In our case, we plan to have 2 horns, and 2 trumpets.

The experience & quality of the orchestra players can easily make or break a show, so in order to be able to hire seasoned professionals, even at rates lower than they might otherwise accept, we need your help.

Instrumentalists deal with many of the same expenses as singers:

  • Lessons
  • Coachings
  • Driving to/from rehearsals & performances
  • etc…

Fortunately Chattanooga is chock full of fantastic instrumentalists. Help us attract the best by sponsoring a seat or sponsoring a section in general. Your name will be added to our program and website as a sponsor, unless you specify otherwise. If you are a business looking to sponsor in exchange for ad space, etc., please email me.

Note: We would like to pay each player $500 for their service. If we receive more than $500 in sponsorship for an individual chair, the overage will be applied towards chairs that have not yet reached the $500 mark in sponsorships. If we raise sponsorships in excess of $500/player, then the overage will be split evenly between all players.

Note 2: SCO reserves the right to decrease the number of players hired for a particular section without notice. In the case of a section being reduced, funds raised through sponsorships will be split evenly among remaining section players.

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